Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to grant "Allow log on through Terminal Services" right

This is often a pesky problem that I have to search for so I'm adding it to my blog as reference and for any others that may have the same issue. I've found that adding a user to the Remote Desktop Users group alone does not allow them to logon to a server via RDP unless they are also in the Administrators group. If you don't want the user in the Administrators group you can follow the directions below to allow them access.

1.Open gpedit.msc (the local group policy editor)
2.Expand Local Computer Policy –> Computer Configuration –> Windows Settings –> Security Settings –> Local Policies –> User Rights Management
3.Look for the setting on the right called "Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services"
4.Double click that policy
5.Add the user or group you would like to have remote access to the box. I personally added the Remote Desktop Users group.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Outlook 2007 Calendar Freezes

This fix removes the To-Do Task list from the Calendar view so that it no longer freezes.

-open Outlook, click Tasks under Current Mailbox, on the far-upper right you'll see a To Do Bar with a small calendar. Click YESTERDAY'S date on that small calendar to open the calendar without it crashing.
-Then click 'View' at the top of the screen, 'Daily Task List' and 'Off' - that will remove the Task List view from your calendar.

Close Outlook and reopen. Try accessing your calendar to see if it behaves normally.

Home Folders map incorrectly

I came across this fix that resolved our issues with Home Folders not mapping correctly or completely.

Turn off Fast Logon Optimization:
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\ Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon

If that alone doesn't resolve the issue then also configure the pc to Run Logon Scripts Synchronously:
In GPO Enable (Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates ->System->Scripts->Run logon script synchronously

**If you don't see these Administrative Templates then right-click Administrative Templates under User Configuration and click on Add/Remove Templates. Then click Add and make sure you're in c:\windows\inf. Choose at least system.adm. Click Open and then Close to add those files to your GPO editor.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Convert AOL Favorites to Internet Explorer Favorites

I found that converting AOL Favorites to Internet Explorer Favorites isn't an easy process. Fortunately I came across an easy way to make the conversion after much searching. Below is the process.

What you first need to do is export your favorites from within AOL.

1 - Go to Favorites > Favorite Places > Save/Replace

2 - Save the file to your computer. A good place would be your desktop or My Documents.

Note: The file you save will have a .pfc extension

After you save your AOL Favorites to your computer go to the linkaGoGo Convert Bookmark File utility

1 - The input format should be set on AOL 8 or 9 Personal Filing Cabinet (PFC)

2 - The output format should be set on Internet Explorer (or whatever browser you're using)

3 - Click the Browse button to find the .pfc file you exported from AOL

4 - Click the Convert button and you'll be prompted to save a bookmarks.html file. A good place would be your desktop or My Documents.

Now you're ready to Import the bookmarks in Internet Explorer

1 - Open Internet Explorer and click File > Import & Export

2 - Click on Next

3 - Choose Import Favorites. Click on Next.

4 - Choose Import from a File or Address, Browse for the bookmarks.html you saved from the linkaGoGo site and click Next.

Your AOL Favorites should now appear in Internet Explorer.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at
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Friday, March 19, 2010

How to determine .NET Framework version?

If you ever have a need to determine what version of the .NET Framework version is installed on your computer you realize that it can be difficult. Below is a link to a website that will make it easy and determine it for you and provide links to download the latest version if necessary.